It’s Not All Fun

Last week and today were super eventful for the Junker household. Last week we spent the entire morning at the Dr. office getting all of us a physical, labs and tests done for the adoption. The kids got shots (and suckers).

This week we went to get LABS at a QUEST diagnostic center. I did my research, found a kids laboratory and prepped the kids for what was going to happen. Well, after A LOT OF screams, tears, HOLDING DOWN and bribing they finally got their tests drawn. PHEW. (I may have been sweating)

I think both kids at one point were saying how they no longer wanted to have a baby join the family…. haha. Holden definitely may have yelled “send it back”. I’m not gonna lie….it sucks having to explain to your kiddo, hold them down and cover their screams during those tests. Especially when, if we weren’t adopting a baby they wouldn’t be needing them.

BUTTTT—-nothing a few gallons of ice cream and dollar store purchases couldn’t fix. They’re back to baby lovin and wishin within the hour.

AGAIN—-thanks for being here. Through it all. The fun and not so fun.

UP NEXT: finger prints for Tommy and myself and then we wait for our TX clearances.


Work. Work. Work.


Why is Adoption so Expensive?